Self Care Sunday: Learn to Earn Your Self-Worth

emotional intelligence growth mindset self-esteem Jun 06, 2021
resilience parenting emotional intelligence

The truth is that we all have to earn our own self-worth. We can't just force ourselves to love ourselves just because our parents told us we are perfect. Instead, we have to go out into the world and behave in such a way that we live up to our own standards and earn our self-respect.

Self-esteem and confidence are not things that can be handed out at awards banquets. They are not shifts we can make to our mindset without something to back them up. Self-confidence and self-worth must be earned.

How do we earn them? We stop living by other people’s standards and instead define our own set of standards for what makes someone worthy and lovable. And then we start living up to those standards by acting accordingly. We spend time using our strengths, and we live in alignment with our values.

When we spend time using our strengths, we naturally feel good about ourselves, and we feel empowered. Using our strengths feels good and ignites our sense of self-confidence. And when we live in alignment with our values, we demonstrate what matters most to us, and we stop letting other people’s criteria define our paths.

Check out this week’s activity, where you can proactively identify some of your values, as well as your strengths.


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