Are you worried about your teen or pre-teen?
Hi. I'm Kristin MacDermott. I've spent the last 20 years researching and teaching resilience.
My resilience-training curriculum has been validated by Duke researchers, published in peer-reviewed journals, and used by thousands of people, including Navy SEALs, combat veterans, people dealing with cancer and end-of-life, at-risk youth, and students at elite universities.
Want to help your teen be more resilient?
Want to improve your relationship with your teen?
That's what we do.​
Twenty Years of Research
The MacDermott Method curriculum has been validated in multiple studies, including two randomized-controlled trials, by researchers from the Duke Clinical Research Institute, published in peer-reviewed journals, and proven to promote clinically significant improvement in key mental health and resilience outcomes, including anxiety, depression, distress, self-efficacy, and PTSD.
Kristin MacDermott, founder of The MacDermott Method, has designed resilience-training programs for some of the highest-performing people on the planet, including Navy SEALs, LAPD officers, the National Guard, the Veteran's Administration,
oncology nurses and other healthcare providers, as well as people navigating the challenges of cancer, type I diabetes and end-of-life at over 20 hospitals across the country, including The National Institutes of Health and Duke Cancer Center, and in schools, clubs and after-school programs for kids.