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Join Kristin for a live webinar to learn strategies for dealing with the tough stuff and get your parenting questions answered. 


We take requests from members for webinar topics and roll-out new webinars monthly. Webinars are included in Membership. â€‹

Next Up:
Monday, October 21st @ 4pm Eastern

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Stop Being Afraid of Conflict

Conflict is a natural part of relationships and can actually bring us closer, if we focus on what we both need.


Get Honest About Resentment

We all get upset about things from time to time. It's when we let resentment fester unaddressed that problems arise.


Put an End to Entitlement

Sometimes the most loving intentions inadvertently create entitlement. We can lovingly nip that in the bud.


The Secret to Good Boundaries

Setting and enforcing boundaries is difficult for many people, but it is a critical skill for joyful parenting.​

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How to Listen Like a Pro

Mastering the art of listening in a way the makes people feel seen and heard, even when you disagree, improves all of your relationships.


What to do About Lying

Teenagers lie. Even the "good" ones. Responding in a way that keeps the conversation going is key.


How to Handle the Deal-Breakers

When you and your teen disagree about deal-breaker issues, like drinking or drugs, how you communicate changes everything.


How to Help Teens Launch

Failure to successfully launch into adulthood is a growing concern. You can make sure they succeed.

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How to Talk About Mental Health

Knowing how to talk about mental health and how to take care of ourselves is something parents can model for teens.

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