Sink Into the Soul Space
​It Only Takes Two Minutes!
Learn this signature skill of the MacDermott Method Resilience Model in three simple steps:​​
1. Get out a journal or notes app.
2. Listen to the guided meditation.
3. Fill out the worksheet.
The Guided Meditation
Get a journal or notes app.
As you sink through the external and internal layers of your consciousness there will be things that feel important—that you don't want to forget. Jotting them down will allow your mind to move past them and continue Sinking Into the Soul Space.
Fill out the worksheet.
Whether you have a decision to make, a question to answer, or are just dropping into a few moments of peace for self-care, you will learn things about yourself that you will want to remember. Collecting your thoughts helps you master the skill.
Why Learn This Skill?
Self-awareness often doesn't change behavior or bring a sense of inner peace.​
Self-awareness is a step in the right direction, and this skill helps with self-awareness too.
However, we need to be able to access our inner reservoir of inner peace and Inner Wisdom, which resides inside of us all whether we know it or not, in order to make different choices and take care of ourselves emotionally.
We need to be able to calm our nervous systems in order to think clearly and differentiate between our Inner Wisdom and the parts of ourselves that have differing opinions.
If there are parts of ourselves that we are avoiding or afraid of, we will not be able to heal.
This is an essential skill for everyone who wants to relate to others and themselves in a better-feeling way.
Get the App
Get the app so you will always have this meditation handy!
Enjoy a suite of additional guided meditations on the app, including five collaborations Kristin did with award-winning composer Gary Malkin who is known for using music as a catalyst for healing.
In addition, we are thrilled to have our premiere programs now available on the MacDermott Method app.
The 14-Day Parent/Teen Relationship Reset is easy to access via mobile and desktop.
Mindset Moments™ is ready to deploy in your classroom or at the dinner table!
Download for iphone here.
Download for android phones here.