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Pay attention to what life is showing you

Have you ever noticed that sometimes life just flows? Things seem to fall into place. Questions get answered. Loose ends get taken care of, and you feel like you’re on the right track.

But then other times there’s tons of friction. Your efforts get snagged or delayed or derailed. It’s like life is clogged up with resistance, and everything is harder than it should be. 

At those times it’s helpful to take a pause and make sure pushing through at all costs is really the right decision.

Asking yourself the right questions can be enlightening:

  • What is life showing me right now?

  • What am I a match to?

  • What patterns am I noticing…?

  • about the people who are showing up,

  • the way I’m being treated,

  • the way I’m feeling.

  • What red flags am I ignoring or justifications am I making?

  • What is all this showing me about what I really want for myself?

And finally:

  • What does my Inner Wisdom–that quiet voice in the back of my mind–think I should do right now?

  • What is in my control?

  • And how can I best take care of myself?

Maybe it’s push through. Or maybe the timing isn’t right.

Whatever you decide, you will feel better if you pause, reflect and regroup before making another move.

What is life showing you about yourself and the path you are on right now?


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