How you do mornings sets the tone for the rest of the day.
If you roll out of bed into the mayhem of the day with no transition period, it can feel like you never get a break from the go, go, go that is the default pace of modern life. But with a little forethought, you can center yourself and create positive momentum for your day by establishing a good morning routine.
Waking up a few minutes early to spend a little time relaxing, enjoying nature, going for a walk, reading or listening to something inspiring, journaling, meditating, praying or planning your day allows you to be more present as the rest of the day unfolds.
There is something inherently peaceful about the early morning hours when the day hasn’t yet begun its deafening roar. We can hear ourselves think in those quiet moments. We can connect to the world around us. We can be instead of having to do. And we can get in touch with the parts of ourselves who get pushed to the back burner in the busy-ness of daily life.
Time is a precious commodity and it often feels like there’s not enough of it. But making time for yourself at the start of each day–even for just a few minutes–is a powerful demonstration of self-care that reverberates far beyond those morning minutes.
Even if you can’t get up earlier, you can be discerning about what you listen to while you get ready for the day. Choose something that inspires you and lifts your spirits. Be intentional about as much as you can and notice how much better you feel.
What is one positive change you could make to your morning routine?