What are your top three values? Say them out loud right now.
Seriously, take a second to name your top three values. Just say the first three words that come to mind.
Now consider how much your life reflects these values. Don’t do this in a binary way–deciding whether it either does or it doesn’t. Ask yourself these questions:
In what ways does my life reflect these values?
In what ways could my life reflect these values more?
What do you spend your time on? What do you spend your money on? Who do you spend time with? What do you talk about?
One of the most powerful ways to improve our mood, outlook and resilience is to live our lives in alignment with our values. Why? Because doing so makes us feel good about ourselves–builds our self-esteem–and gives our lives meaning, which particularly matters during challenging times. When we can say, “I’m going through a difficult time now, but I feel good about who I am and what I stand for,” we are less likely to spiral into an abyss of self-doubt, shame, and hopelessness.
So, consider how you might demonstrate one of your top three values today in some small way, and notice how this adds a feeling of well-being to your day.