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Mindset Moments™

Mind Over Mountains | Patagonia 2025

Bite-Sized Resilience Training
Powered by MacDermott Method

Week One

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Know the Four Ways to Feel Better

Emotional Intelligence

Resilient people know that their thoughts, emotions, bodies and behavior are interconnected and that they can feel better by doing something positive for any of the four.

Week Two

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Practice Tolerating Discomfort


Resilient people know that discomfort happens and their attitude about it matters, so they expect some discomfort and practice positive self-talk.

Week Three

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Welcome Feedback

Interpersonal Skills

Resilient people know that becoming good at something is a process of learning, trying, and sometimes failing. And, one of the best ways to improve is to get feedback from others.

Week Four

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Use Your Imagination to Take a Stress Break

Mind-Body Skills

Resilient people know that giving themselves a mental picture of a safe, relaxing place can help them calm down and regroup when they are stressed, so they use their imaginations to take stress breaks.

About Mindset Moments™

What is Mindset Moments™?​

Mindset Moments™ is community-wide program for schools, sports clubs and youth mentoring organizations that builds character, resilience and relationships one short conversation at a time.​


Who is Mindset Moments™ for?

Mindset Moments™ is for anyone who wants to improve the mental health and resilience of children and young adults.​

How does Mindset Moments™ work?

The weekly lessons feature conversation prompts (not included here) to help mentors, coaches, educators and parents start meaningful, resilience-building conversations with their young people.

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