Self-Care Sunday: Pursue Your Hobbies

self-care sunday Feb 21, 2021

In today's Self-Care Sunday tip, we want to encourage you to pursue your hobbies.                  
The word "hobby" sounds trite, like it's the cute little thing that you do on the side.

Culturally, the word has some negative connotations, as though hobbies are frivolous. But devoting time to activities that we enjoy—that we value, that we are good at—for no other reason than to nurture our souls, feeds our sense of self and demonstrates our sense of self-worth.

Hobbies give us purpose. They show us that we can improve upon ourselves and become masterful. We might have jobs that we do not like. We might have familial obligations that are not that much fun, but our hobbies connect us to ourselves and offer us moments of ease and joy.

Hobbies allow us to relax, tune out the chatter in our minds, and forget about our stresses for a while. So make time for your hobbies, and then protect this time fiercely. And challenge any voices—yours or other people's—telling you that your hobbies are unimportant. 

They are, at times, the most important thing you can do for yourself.                 

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