Raising Kids with Social Competence

friendship interpersonal relationships resilient kids Aug 30, 2021
Eventually, our children will move to a new city, start a new school, head off to college, or start a job ...
Do they know how to navigate these situations in a way that feels good?
This is called "social competence," and it is not something most schools (or parents) teach. And yet, having social competence can mean the difference between feeling awkward and embarrassed ... and feeling comfortable, connected, and confident.
And the good news? We can teach our teens and tweens skills to develop social competence so that they always feel confident walking into a roomful of people they don't know.
Social competence is one of the hallmarks of resilient children, and it's one of the skills we teach in Resilience-Based Parenting™, our toolkit for raising teens and tweens (and loving it).

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